Zoha is a singer-songwriter by profession who started her musical journey in 2012. It took just one dynamic experience to make her fall in love with travel. She hasn’t stopped ever since!
So, who is Zoha Zuberi?
A very excited human being. I sing all the time. But I usually don’t take my guitar to treks. I write more when I travel.
What kickstarted your travel journey?
I went to Kashmir the first time I ever travelled anywhere, other than Murree. Although the overall experience was filled with some of the most strenuous tasks, treks and travelling I’d ever done, when I got back home I couldn’t think of one moment that I would’ve taken back. After that, I started travelling to different places in Pakistan. I realised how travelling humbles you and broadens your mind, and I fell in love with that.

What does travelling mean to you?
It means peace. You get to be away from city life for some time – from the work, the traffic and noise… And especially from the TV, phones and internet. It opens up your mind to the possibilities of itself and what it can do and think when it’s away from all distractions – just you and nature. So, travelling means getting to know myself more and just – peace.
What would be the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
I think it would be the time I went to Hunza in 2015… that was my first time there. I wanted to go to the Passu Glacier but there was no track. So I went trekking with two of my friends towards the glacier, and that trek was so thin it could only fit one foot at a time. We kept going till a landslide happened. We all got scared, we thought we were going to die – kalma bhi parh liya tha. But it stopped, and then we started yelling for help. I climbed upwards to find another trek or someone from a vantage point and luckily we found a local. I didn’t get to go to Passu Glacier but yeah, all in all the most adventurous thing till now.

The best street food you’ve ever had?
Yak ke tikkay, hands down.
The three most important things in your backpack?
A Jacket, because I feel very cold all the time.
Earphones, because I like music but also so I can tune people out – Haha.
Water & Toffees – always.

The most spectacular view you’ve seen?
Watching the sunset over the vastness of the Arabian Sea at Ormara and then watching it rise in Gwadar.

Your toughest journey till now would be…
Rush Lake for sure. It was fine on my way up to Rush peak, but I hurt my knee muscle while coming down. After that the whole way down was painful, especially the Mayer Glacier. It was my first time on a white glacier, and I was wearing joggers which are extremely inappropriate for a glacier. My muscle was pulled as well. So it was tough, yet I loved it all.
Is Pakistan safe to visit?
If I’m being honest, I haven’t ever gone through any problems while traveling in the North or South of Pakistan. I think it’s completely safe, just follow protocol. Listen to locals and army officers, they are there to help.

What is the one piece of advice you’d give to other women travellers?
I’d say until and unless we become fearless about doing the things that we love, we’ll always be told to feel afraid. So just get up and go, keep yourself safe and most of all be strong. You only get one life so, make it count and live.
Reach out to Zoha on Instagram!
Zoha Zuberi spoke to Nihit Anand of Travel Secrets Magazine.